The Mute Gods predstavljajo naslovno skladbo prihajajočega, tretjega albuma Atheists And Believers, ki izide 22. marca.
1. Atheists And Believers
2. One Day
3. Knucklehead
4. Envy The Dead
5. Sonic Boom
6. Old Men
7. The House Where Love Once Lived
8. Iridium Heart
9. Twisted World, Godless Universe
10. I Think Of You
The Mute Gods je trio, ki ga sestavljajo Nick Beggs (Steven Wilson, Steve Hackett), Roger King (Steve Hackett) in Marco Minnemann (The Aristocrasts, The Sea Within).
Gostje na albumu so Alex Lifeson (Rush), Craig Blundell trenutni bobnar Steven Wilsona, Rob Townsend in Beggsova hčerka Lula.