Švedska tehnična death metal zasedba Soreption predstavlja skladbo King Of Undisputed Nonsense. Ta bo del prihajajočega albuma z naslovom Monument Of The End, ki bo izšel 3. avgusta pri založbi Sumerian Records.
Na albumu kot gostujoča vokalista sodelujeta tudi Matt McGachy (Cryptopsy, 3 Mile Scream, ex-The Catalyst) in Travis Ryan (Cattle Decapitation, ex-Murder Construct).
Tracklista je sledeča:
The Anti-Present
Children Of The Automaton
King Of Undisputed Nonsense
Nothingness Becoming
Architects Of The Apocalypse
A Mimic’s Ignorance
Virulent Well (feat. Matt McGachy)
The Entity (feat. Travis Ryan)