Ameriški death metalci Six Feet Under so na spletu objavili videospot za skladbo When the Moon Goes Down in Blood. Skladba je del njihovega albuma z naslovom Killing For Revenge, ki je izšel 10. maja.
(foto: Stephanie Cabral in Dark Photography)
Skladbe na albumu:
1 Know-Nothing Ingrate
2 Accomplice To Evil Deeds
3 Ascension
4 When The Moon Goes Down In Blood
5 Hostility Against Mankind
6 Compulsive
7 Fit Of Carnage
8 Neanderthal (Gastgitarren-Solo: Jason Suecof)
9 Judgement Day
10 Bestial Savagery
11 Mass Casualty Murdercide
12 Spoils Of War
13 Hair Of The Dog (Nazareth-Cover – nur auf CD und digital)