Shane Embury (Napalm Death) in njegov ambientalni projekt Dark Sky Burial so objavili prvenec z naslovom De Omnibus Dubitandum Est.
Plato, ki jo je Shane posnel v domačem studiu Napalm Towers, je produciral Russ Russell, masteriziralo pa podjetje Parlour.
De Omnibus Dubitandum Est vsebuje naslednje skladbe:
1. Commands From Beyond (05:07)
2. De Omnibus Dubitandum Est (03:30)
3. Frail City (04:49)
4. Panic (03:12)
5. Dark Sky Burial (04:31)
6. Severed Reality (04:10)
7. Homage To The Past (02:10)
8. Hallowed Be Thy Name (05:17)
9. Social Exorcism (04:38)
10. The Shadow Takes Shape (03:02)
11. Station 0 (05:36)
12. Predictions (02:02)
13. The Wheel (06:16)