MADBALL – hardcore zasedba iz New Yorka se v evropo vrača s sedmo izvedbo njihove Rebellion turneje. Skupina praznuje 20. letnico od izida albuma »Demonstrating My Style«.
Spodaj datumi turneje
Pevec Freddy Cricien pravi : “I’m excited on many levels for Rebellion 7- we have a cool line up of bands that have really been in the trenches for years and have really influenced many in the genre- From NYC to Germany to London… and beyond! The theme of this particular Rebellion is sort of a “throw back” one – Even though, a lot of these guys have recently dropped new material and we’re currently writing for our next release – old and’s all relevant, I feel. We/MB are celebrating the 20 year anniversary of »Demonstrating My Style« – an important release for us and 96 was a significant year for the building stages of MB. We didn’t get over here for the »Set It Off« celebratory run. So, we’re giving Europe first dibs on this “special tour” which will feature Matt Henderson our original guitarist as a guest on this. Also, our friends CROWN OF THORNZ are celebrating 20 years of their classic »Mentally Vexed« record, along with supporting a new EP – These guys influenced bands like TRAPPED UNDER ICE, etc.. If you haven’t seen them do yourself a favor. RYKERS is back with a strong release and although Kid D is not fronting them, they are as powerful as ever live. KNUCKLEDUST are supporting a new release and those guys are always consistently a solid act..on point and have been in the game a long time! We have some other great European bands in the line up, from east to west – LAST HOPE and TAUSEND LÖWEN UNTER FEINEN. Don’t miss this one!! The »Demonstrating My Style« Edition.”
Rebellion Tour 7
03.03. D Wiesbaden – Schlachthof
04.03. D Lindau – Club Vaudeville
05.03. CH Aarau – Kiff
06.03. D München – Backstage Werk
07.03. A Vienna – Arena
09.03. D Berlin – SO36
10.03. D Leipzig – Conne Island
11.03. D Essen – Turock
12.03. D Hannover – Faust
13.03. B Hasselt – Muziekodroom