Paul Gilbert je objavil videospot za skladbo Argument About Pie iz prihajajočega 16tega solo albuma z naslovom Werewolves Of Portland. Ta bo izšel 4. junija preko založbe The Players Club.




Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big) je v domačem kraju (nedavno se je preselil v Portland, Oregon) skupaj z bobnarjem Brianom Foxworthom, basistom Rolandom Guerinom in klaviaturistom Asherjem Fulerom posnel naslednje komade:


1. Hello North Dakota
2. My Goodness
3. Werewolves Of Portland
4. Professorship At The Leningrad Conservatory
5. Argument About Pie
6. Meaningful
7. I Wanna Cry
8. A Thunderous Ovation Shook The Colums
9. Problem-Solving People
10. (You Would Not Be Able To Handle) What I Handle Everyday