Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath) je ponudil prvo  vinilno kolekcijo svoje solo kariere  oziroma zaboj s kar šestnajstimi vinilnimi izdajami

Boxset bo izšel  29. novembra pri Sony Legacy pod naslovom See You On The Other Side.

In kaj bo znotraj zaboja? Na  16. ploščah bo skupaj 173 skladb,. Zbirka bo vsebovala dodatno ploščo, imenovano Flippin’ The B Side, pri čemer gre za kompilacijo skladb, ki se niso nikdar pojavili na Ozzyjevih albumih.



Vsak zaboj bo vseboval oštevilčen certifikat na pergamentu  z avtentičnim podpisom Ozzyja.

Boxset bo vseboval:

Blizzard Of Ozz, 1980
Mr. Crowley (EP), 45 RPM 1980
Diary Of A Madman, 1981
Bark At The Moon, 1983
The Ultimate Sin, 1986
Tribute (2 LPs), 1987
No Rest For The Wicked, 1988
Just Say Ozzy (EP), 1990
No More Tears, 1991
Live & Loud (3 LPs), 1993
Ozzmosis (2 LPs), 1995
Down To Earth, 2001
Live At Budokan, (2 LPs) 2002
Black Rain (2 LPs), 2007
Scream (2 LPs), 2010

Flippin’ The B Side (a new collection of non-LP tracks)



Side A
You Looking At Me Looking At You
Originally from the “Crazy Train” UK 7″ single, released 1980
“One Up The B Side”
Originally from “Bark At The Moon” 7″ single,released 1983
Originally from “Bark At The Moon,” 7″ single,released 1983
Originally a hidden track from the “No Rest For The Wicked” US CD and cassette release, released 1988
“The Liar”
Originally from the “Miracle Man” UK 12″ single, released 1988
“Don’t Blame Me”
Originally from the “Mama I’m Coming Home” UK 7″ single, released 1991
Side B
“Party With The Animals”
Originally from the “Mama I’m Coming Home” US CD single, released 1992
“Living With The Enemy”
Originally from the “Perry Mason” UK CD single, released 1995
“Voodoo Dancer”
Originally from the “I Just Want You” UK CD single, released 1996
“Back On Earth”
Originally from “The Ozzman Cometh” compilation, released 1997
“No Place For Angels”
Originally from the “Gets Me Through” CD single, released 2001
“Walk On Water“
Originally released on “Prince Of Darkness,” released 2005

Flexi Disc, 7″ (45 RPM) Unreleased version of “See You On The Other Side” (Demo)