Nizozemski Thrasherji Legion of The Damned tokrat predstavljajo videospot za skladbo Slaves of the Southern Cross.
Album Slaves of the Shadow Realm, ki izide 4. januarja preko založbe Napalm Records bo vseboval naslednje skladbe:
01 The Widows Breed
02 Nocturnal Commando
03 Charnel Confession
04 Slaves of the Southern Cross
05 Warhounds of Hades
06 Black Banners in Flames
07 Shadow Realm of the Demonic Mind
08 Palace of Sin
09 Priest Hunt
10 Azazels Crown
11 Dark Coronation
Skupino Legion of The Damned sestavljajo:
Maurice Swinkels: vokal
Twan van Geel: kitara
Harold Gielen: bas
Erik Fleuren: drums