Nemški kvartet Epitaph na spletu predstavlja videospot za priredbo skladbe Sympathy, ki jo v izvirniku izvaja zasedba Rare Bird in je bila prvič posneta leta 1969.


Priredba Rare Bird hita Sympathy se nahaja na nedavno objavljenem trojnem zaboju skupine Epitaph, naslovomljenim Five Decades Of Classic Rock (via MIG Records).

Disk 1.

1: Stop Look And Listen (live)
2: Visions (Acoustic live)
3: Early Morning (live)
4: Crossroads (live
5: Little Maggie (acoustic)
6: Reflections
7: Woman
8: Big City
9: In Your Eyes

15: Ain’t No Liar

Disk 2.

1 Hole In My Head
2 Cold Rain
3 Evermore
4 Remember The Daze
5 Ships In The Dark
6 East Of The Moon
7 Dancing With Ghosts
8 Ride The Storm
9 Can’t You See
10 Nightmare
11 One Of These Days (live)
12 Sad Song
13 Windy City
14 Lost In America

15 Keep Standing Like A Rock

1 What’s Going On (new)
2 Are You Ready (new)
3 Sympathy (new)
4 Albatross (new)
5 All Along The Watchtower (acoustic)
6 Edge Of The Knife
7 Villanova Junction (acoustic)
8 Love Child
9 Good Times
10 Who Do You Love (live)
11 Train To The City (demo)
12 Outside The Law (acoustic jam)
13 Sad Song (A capella)