Ross The Boss in njegovi Death Dealer so objavili besedilni videospot za skladbo Every Nation.
Ross The Boss in njegovi Death Dealer so se ponovno zbrali in posneli tretji album z naslovom Conquered Lands. Prihajajoči album je izšel 13. novembra pri založbi Steel Cartel z naslednjimi skladbami:
1. Sorcerer Supreme
2. Every Nation
3. Beauty and the Blood
4. Running with the Wolves
5. The Heretic Has Returned
6. Conquered Lands
7. Hail to the King
8. Slay or Be Slain
9. Faith Under Fire
10. 22 Gone
11. Born to Bear the Crown
Zasedbo Death Dealer sestavljajo: Ross The Boss (ex-Manowar), Sean Peck (vokal – Cage, The Three Tremors, Denner/Shermann), Stu Marshall (kitara – Dungeon, Night Legion), Steve Bolognese (bobni – Ross The Boss Band, Into Eternity) in basist Mike Lepond (Symphony X, Ross The Boss Band).