Člana finske zasedbe APOCALYPTICA, Perttu Kivilaakso in Eicca Toppinen sta napisala opero “Indigo” skupaj z Jaakko Kuusisto , ki je bil opdgovoren za orkestracijo.
Indigo: Perttu Kivilaakso – Eicca Toppinen
This metallic love story will be one of next year’s key events. A genre-crossing thriller, it will bring something unprecedented to the FNO stage. Sami Parkkinen’s exciting text meets the pulsating music of Perttu Kivilaakso and Eicca Toppinen from the heavy metal cello ensemble Apocalyptica.
Indigo is the story of the power of an all-pervading global corporation, of the search for happiness and of love. The performance-enhancing drug developed by the corporation has unexpected side effects. The number of victims is multiplying, and only the original developer of the drug can save the day. Someone has to travel into an alternate reality using a mysterious machine. But where will the journey end, and will we find happiness there?
Tickets EUR 15-115, stalls from EUR 66 (incl. service charge). Full details of seat prices for each performance and updated information about seats available at Lippu.fi online sales.