Todd La Torre je objavil novo solo skladbo in sicer Vanguards Of The Dawn Wall.
Todd La Torre (Queensrÿche) bo 5. februarja pri založbi Rat Pak Records objavili solo album z naslovom Rejoice In The Suffering, ki bo vseboval naslednje skladbe:
1. Dogmata
2. Pretenders
3. Hellbound And Down
4. Darkened Majesty
5. Crossroads To Insanity
6. Critical Cynic
7. Rejoice In The Suffering
8. Vexed
9. Vanguards Of The Dawn Wall
10. Apology
Bonustracks (Nur Deluxe-Version)
11. Fractured
12. Set It Off
13. One By One
Todd je na albumu sodeloval s kitaristom Craigom Blackwellom ter producentom Chrisom “Zeuss” Harrisom.