ravenNEDELJA, 11.10.2015
Raven (UK), Hellsword (Si), Sober Assault (Si)

Lokacija: Orto Bar, Grablovičeva 1, Ljubljana
Začetek: 21h
Cena vstopnice v predprodaji: 16 €
Cena vstopnice na dan koncerta: 20 €





Oktobrski let črnega krokarja heavy metala ali Metallica nam je bila leta 1983 predskupina
“Prerok,” rekel sem, “zla duša! Prerok – ptica, vrag, ki skuša!
Ali te Skušnjavec dal je ali te je dal vihar, /…/
Tako pravi del pesmi Krokar (v izvirniku: The Raven), ki jo je dobro stoletje in še malo nazaj napisal ameriški mojster grozljivega Edgar Allan Poe.
Če pa bi temačno atmosfero, zle duše, nezemeljske moči in še kaj uspeli povezati s speed metalom in ostanki težkega roka, bi dobili angleški bend Raven, ki bo 11. oktobra obiskal Ljubljano.
Raven so na sceni že od leta 1974 in kljub dostikrat spremenjeni postavi še danes obstajajo kot trio, katerega ustvarjalno jedro tvorita brata John in Mark Gallagher. Raven so zapuščina časov, ko je heavy metal še nastajal. Nastali so kot Venom, v Newcastlu, torej, le malce prej. Kljub temu, da gre za enega najstarejših heavy bendov na svetu, pa so se scensko uveljavili malce kasneje, kot predstavniki New Wave Of British Heavy Metal-a. V svoji karieri so sodelovali med drugim tudi s kultno založbo Megaforce, ki je svetu podala kultne predstavnike speeda in thrasha, njihov album Wiped Out naj bi postavil temelje miksu speed in thrash metala, njihove odrske vragolije zgodnjih dni so morda pozneje prevzeli Venom in podobni (pa čeprav so Raven z uporabo predvsem sportskih rekvizitov bolj poudarjali bojevniški način življenja) – med drugim so Metallica s prvo ploščo Kill ‘Em All bili otvoritveni bend Angležem na njihovi ameriški turneji.
Dejansko so Raven v svoji dolgi karieri izkusili toliko tega, da bi lahko pisali še in še. Bili so na vrhu, bili so na dnu. Igrali so komercialno zveneč heavy metal ali peklenski speed. Kljub vsem izzivom (med drugim se je na Marka Gallagherja zrušil zid in možakarju zdrobil obe nogi!) so Raven ostali prisotni in dejavni na sceni.
Zato je brati odveč – treba jih je videti in slišati. Kajti ne boste gledali le benda, gledali boste utelešenje in živo zgodovino metal scene, ki pa še v tem trenutku lahko marsikaterega ekstremnega mladca ”pelje scat”.
11. 10. v Orto Baru v Ljubljani – vstopnice pa so že na voljo na vseh koncertih Veselih Dihurčkov, v sklopu večerov Kadilnica Of Death, v trgovini Master Of Metal, Madness, prek On-Parole, na blagajni Orto Bara itd.



RavenRAVEN are that rare thing in music, true originals – cut these guys with a razor and they will BLEED true heavy metal – a more intense live band does not exist on this planet!
Hailing from Newcastle Upon Tyne in North East England back in 1974 (yes – 41 YEARS ago!!!) the brothers Gallagher cut their teeth playing the pubs & clubs until solidifying their line up in 1980 with drummer Rob Hunter. The trio went on to release three of the most influential metal albums of the NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) on the Neat records label which in turn inspired every band of that era and beyond. Basically, without Raven you just would not have thrash/speed metal…. after all, the band did give Metallica & Anthrax their first tours!
Following a tumultous move to the USA, deals with Atlantic Records, indentured servitude and commercialism, Rob left the band in 1987 to be replaced by drummer extraordinaire Joe Hasselvander, who had made his name in cult doom band Pentagram, Savoy Brown and his own solo projects, adding a new dimension to the band.
Rebuilding from the Atlantic experiences, the band capitalized on their fierce live performances steadily releasing albums and touring the world. In 2001, guitarist Mark Gallagher was involved in a near fatal accident – but fought his way back from the brink and the band proved they were stronger than ever! This renewed spirit and attitude was reflected in the title of their 2010 album “WALK THROUGH FIRE” and in the career overview DVD “ROCK UNTIL YOU DROP”.
In a cynical musical landscape these days, where bands are not “gangs” but corporations…where albums and live shows are click tracked & pro-tooled to death… where a band’s line up can change every few months with “hired guns” who float in and out – Raven are almost alone among their peers in that they boast a lineup featuring the same three guys – a line up that has been stable for the better part of THREE DECADES!!! RAVEN are a band that is REAL not FAKE – and proud of it!
Our “three musketeers” have had an exciting 2014 – opening for Metallica (the band Raven took on their first tour back in 1983) in Sao Paulo in front of 70,000 fans, and completeing a 43 date headlining USA tour – not to mention completing their finest album to date – ExtermiNation” slated for an early 2015 release worldwide on SPV!
This album combines the melody/chaos/musicianship/lunacy that defines the band with songs that are simply the best they have done in decades. Rivaling the “holy trinity” of those early albums, and again working with the engineering metal mastermind who is Kevin 131 (Walk Through Fire) – the band have taken their game to the next level..this may well be their 41st anniversary but these guys are only just getting started!
ExtermiNation – 2015!!!




HellswordAfter Mike’s first metal band fell apart due to musical differences, he recruited Mark Massakre (who played drums in his previous band) and began looking for a guitar playe. He soon found Kristjan.
At first they wanted to play thrash metal (in the vein of the German thrashers) but they soon discovered they were not fit for this kind of fast-as-hell music and also that there were many thrash bands in their country at the time. As they were playing cover songs of 1st wave BM luminaries such as Venom, Bathory end Hellhammer, they decided to stick with that kind of style. Soon Kristjan left the band and Ironfist, who is Mark’s schoolmate, was brought in. They named themselves Hellsword as a tribute to Hellhammer.
Hellsword’s first real concert took place on February 12th 2010 at Orto Bar, with two other bands, where they preformed only covers. Meanwhile they also tried to write their own songs, but most of that early material was thrown away, as the band felt it wasn’t good enough. The first real Hellsword songs (the ones that came out on Blasphemy Unchained) were written in Autumn 2010.





Sober AssaultSkupina pod imenom Sober Assault je nastala Novembra 2012 in je sestavljena iz štirih članov: Enej Lamovšek (glavni vokal, ritem kitara), David Vodopivec (glavni vokal, vodilna kitara), Rok Lukavečki (bobni) in Rok Novak (bas kitara). Želja po ustvarjanju nove glasbe je najprej skupaj pritegnila Roka L. in Eneja, ki sta v skupino povabila Davida in njihovega prvega basista, Jošta Lampreta. Po letu skupnega ustvarjanja se je zaradi pomanjkanja časa od skupine poslovil Jošt. Zaradi bližajočih se koncertov se je hitro začel lov na a basista. Vlogo je, najprej kot začasni basist, prevzel Rok Novak, ki je po nekaj mesecih igranja končal kot stalni basist.
Njihova glasba je, kot pove že ime, neustavljiv glasbeni napad na publiko. Napadalna mešanica thrash in melodic death metal-a se lahko približno opiše kot kombinacija hitrih ter agresivnih kitarskih riff-ov, surovih vokalov, grmečih bass linij, hitrih in nasilnih bobnov ter nepričakovanih harmoničnih melodij dveh kitar.