Naša ekipa se je ravno vrnila iz Hamburga, kjer je  epic metal zasedba Atlantean Kodex minuli vikend premierno predstavila novo ploščo. Ta bo uradno izšel 13. septembra pri založbi Ván Records. izšel Njegov naslov bo The Course Of Empire.

The Course Of Empire bo vseboval  naslednje skladbe:
The Alpha And The Occident (Rising From Atlantean Tombs)
People Of The Moon (Dawn Of Creation)
Lion Of Chaldea (The Heroes’ Journey)
Chariots (Descending From Zagros)
The Innermost Light (Sensus Fidei)
A Secret Byzantium (Numbered As Sand And The Stars)
He Who Walks Behind The Years (The Place Of Sounding Drums)
Spell Of The Western Sea (Among Wolves And Thieves)
The Course Of Empire (All Thrones in Earth And Heaven)
Die Welt von gestern (Abendland)

Atlantean Kodex trenutno sestavljajo Markus Becker (Septagon, ex-Seldom Refuse) na vokalu, Florian Kreuzer (ex-Ad Infernum, ex-Nascitus) na basu, Manuel Trummer (ex-Ad Infernum, ex-Lucifugus) na kitari, Coralie Baier (Antipeewee) na drugi kitari in Mario Weiss na bobnih.