Belgijska symphonic black metal zasedba Lemuria je objavila videospot za novo skladbo A Plague Upon The Land.
Videospot je posnel in produciral Bram Mervillie.
Skladba je prvi single prihajajočega albuma z naslovom The Hysterical Hunt, ki bo izšel 18, januarja pri Massacre Records.
Album The Hysterical Hunt je zmiksal in masteriziral Yarne Heylen za Studio Project Zero, ovitek zanj je pa prispeval Kris Verwimp (Old Man’s Child, Arch Enemy, Paths Of Possession).
Album bo vseboval naslednje skladbe:
Prologue (The Land Of The Beast)”
A Plague Upon The Land
The Hysterical Hunt
Between Man And Wolf
As Darkness Falls
Of Winter And Hell
A Secret Life
Deceptive Hibernation
An Elusive Monster
Endgame (The Impending Truth)
Epilogue (Before The Dawn)
A Dream That Never Came (bonus)