Nemško-Ameriška heavy metal naveza Them je objavila besedilni videospot za skladbo Witchfinder. Ta bo del prihajajočega studijskega albuma z imenom Manor Of The Se7en Gables, ki bo izšel 26. oktobra pri SPV/Steamhammer.

Skupino trenutno sestavljajo basist Alexander Palma (A Cosmic Trail, Septagon, ex-Lanfear, ex-Majesty, ex-My Darkest Hate), bobnar Angel Cotte (Demolition Hammer, Driven Mad, ex-Eyes Of The Sun), klaviaturist Richie Seibel (A Cosmic Trail, Ivanhoe, Lanfear, ex-Charisma), vokalist Troy Norr (Coldsteel), ter kitaristi Markus Ullrich (A Cosmic Trail, Lanfear, Septagon), Markus Johansson (4Arm, Sylencer) in Justin Zych (Valhalla, Viking, ex-Vindicator).


Skladbe albuma so naslednje:

Residuum (Intro)
Refuge in the Manor
A Scullery Maid (Interlude 1)
As the Sage Burns
The Secret Stairs
Peine Forte Et Dure (Interlude 2)
Seven Gables to Ash
Punishment By Fire