The Sea Within so tokrat objavili besedilni videospot za skladbo Goodbye. The Sea Within je nova progrock superskupina, v kateri so se zbrali kitarist/vokalist Daniel Gildenlöw, basist Jonas Reingold, bobnar /pevec Marco Minnemann, klaviaturist/pevec Tom Brislin ter kitarist/vokalist Roine Stolt.
Omenjeni glasbeniki so doslej sodelovali v skupinah, kot so The Flower Kings, Transatlantic, Jon Anderson, Steven Wilson, The Aristocrats, Joe Satriani, Yes, Steve Hackett, Renaissance, Pain Of Salvation, Deborah Harry, Meatloaf in Karmakanic.
Dvojni album vsebuje naslednje skladbe:
1. Ashes of Dawn
2. They Know My Name
3. The Void
4. An Eye for an Eye for an Eye
5. Goodbye
6. Sea Without
7. Broken Cord
8. The Hiding of the Truth
1. The Roaring Silence
2. Where Are You Going?
3. Time
4. Denise