Album Heavy Horses zasedbe Jethro Tull bo v naslednjem letu praznoval 40. obletnico. V ta namen bo 9. ferbuarja izšel izdelek z naslovom Heavy Horses New Shoes (3CD/2DVD Edition). Poleg izvirnega albuma box vsebuje devet dodatnih skladb (od teh je kar sedem doslej še neobjavljenih) in posnetek nastopa iz leta 1978 (Bern). Za mix in suround zvok sta poskrbela Steven Wilson in Jakko Jakszyk.
Traklista albuma je naslednja:
Steven Wilson Stereo Remix
1. …And The Mouse Police Never Sleeps
2. Acres Wild
3. No Lullaby
4. Moths
5. Journeyman
6. Rover
7. One Brown Mouse
8. Heavy Horses
9. Weathercock
Associated Recordings
1. Living In These Hard Times (Version Two)
2. Everything In Our Lives
3. Jack A Lynn (Early Version)
4. Quatrain (Studioversion)
5. Horse-Hoeing Husbandry
6. Beltane
7. Botanic Man
8. Living In These Hard Times (Version One)
9. Botanic Man Theme
Live In Concert In Berne, May 1978 part 1 – Jacko Jakszyk Stereo remix
1. Opening Music (Quartet)
2. Introduction by Claude Nobs
3. No Lullaby
4. Sweet Dream
5. Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of The New Day
6. Jack In The Green
7. One Brown Mouse
8. Heavy Horses
9. A New Day Yesterday
10. Flute Solo Improvisation / God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / Bouree
11. Living In The Past / A New Day Yesterday (Reprise)
12. Songs From The Wood
Live In Concert In Berne, May 1978 – part 2
1. Thick As A Brick
2. Hunting Girl
3. Too Old To Rock ‘n’ Roll
4. Conundrum
5. Minstrel In The Gallery
6. Cross Eyed Mary
7. Quatrain
8. Aqualung
9. Locomotive Breath
10. Dambusters March / Aqualung (Reprise)
DVD 1 – Audio/Video
1. “Heavy Horses”-Album plus:
2. Living In These Hard Times (Versions 1 & 2)
3. Everything In Our Lives
4. Jack-A-Lynn
5. Horse-Hoeing Husbandry
6. Beltane
7. Botanic Man & Botanic Man
8. Quatrain (nur stereo)
9. Mixed 5.1 DTS & DD Surround-Sound und 96/24 LPCM Stereo.
DVD 2 – Audio
- Jethro Tull live,24 skladb posnetih v dvorani The Festhalle, Bern (The Maison Rouge Mobile, mixed to 5.1 DTS & DD Surround-Sound und 48/24 LPCM Stereo)
- Promo videospoti skladb Heavy Horses ter Moths