Ameriški black metalci Nightbringer so objavili skladbo Of The Key And Crossed Bones s prihajajočega albuma Terra Damnata, ki bo izšel 14. aprila pri založbi Season Of Mist.
Traklista albuma je naslednja: 1. As Wolves Amongst Ruins, 2. Misrule, 3. Midnight’s Crown, 4. Of the Key and Crossed Bones, 5. Let Silence be His Sacred Name, 6. Inheritor of a Dying World, 7. The Lamp of Inverse Light in 8. Serpent Sun.
NIGHTBRINGER so na tej povezavi objavili skladbo Misrule (izid 14. april pri Season Of Mist) .
NIGHTBRINGER so: Naas Alcameth, Ophis, Ar-Ra’d al-Iblis in Menthor.