Zasedba Demise Of The Crown je 4.marca izdala istoimenski debi allbum, katerega je produziral Kevin Jardine (Uplift Studios, kitara na komadu “Slaves On Dope”) in masteriziral Joao Carvalho (Protest The Hero, Alexisonfire, Rush). Spodaj spot za komad – We Are Invincible in traklista albuma “Demise Of The Crown“
1. We Are Invincible (4:23)
2. Human Denial (4:20)
3. Save Me (3:35)
4.Sides Of The Wave (4:30)
5. Don’t Worry (4:36)
6. Cold Dead Eyes (4:47)
7. Eons (4:37)
Album Length: 30:50