Nizozemski thrasherji Cryptosis so na spletu objavili videospot za skladbo Reign Of Infinite. Skladba bo del prihajajočega albuma z naslovom Celestial Death, ki bo izšel 7. marca.

Skladbe na albumu:

1 Prologue – Awakening (01:16)
2 Faceless Matter (03:52)
3 Static Horizon (05:10)
4 The Silent Call (Version 2024) (05:02)
5 Ascending (03:38)
6 Motionless Balance (01:48)
7 Reign Of Infinite (05:44)
8 Absent Presence (04:15)
9 In Between Realities (03:47)
10 Cryptosphere (04:22)
11 Coda – Wander Into The Light (03:11)